Being unemployed is a very strange state to be in. It isn’t just that you don’t have your normal income, you also don’t have your normal routine. Then you add to that the insult of drawing unemployment – if you pick up odd jobs and make more than the princely sum of $214 in a week, then the state punishes you for your effort by keeping that week’s payment. It’s no wonder that unemployed people suffer from self-esteem issues, and that becoming employed again does such wonders for your outlook and energy.
So two weeks ago, I finally made the effort to work on my car again. I’d had the parts for weeks, but just had not pushed to make the time to get it done. The end result is that the 914 is back on the road again, with a new fuel pump which has been relocated to a place where I can get to it without taking the car apart. It is such a delight to drive it again!
Soooo… why did I suddenly want to get my car back on the road that weekend? Because on Monday, March 24th I was scheduled to drive it to work! I started that Monday as a Field Services Technician in the IT department at Flagstaff Medical Center. I cannot express how psyched I am to have landed this position. I’m part of a great team of people, and I love the work. I wake up in the morning and can hardly wait to get out the door and drive the 914 to work.
This is the new “view from my office”. The 914 is looking pretty happy there, if you ask me.
I cannot say thank you enough to the family & friends who have kept us in prayer through all this. I knew from the beginning that God “had this”, but it’s always challenging because you can’t know what and when He has something new planned for you. The encouragement we received from our faith family was incredible. When I think about the positions that looked promising, but I did not get, and compare them to where I’ve ended up. It’s clear that God truly had something good planned for us, and He knows what he’s doing.