This year is the 45th Anniversary year for Linda and I. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful partner! We decided that we should do something special to celebrate, so we booked a cruise on the Rhine River from Basel, Switzerland to Amsterdam, Netherlands. We departed Basel 2 days ago, but it has taken this long for me to get over the jet lag and exhaustion of the trip so I haven’t shared any photos of our trip.
Our cabin is on the “Main Deck” – a fancy way of saying that we’re might be partly below the water line. As you can see, our window is barely above water. The cabin is very nice, and of course the view keeps changing!
The ship was docked at Klybeckquai, which is a rather industrial area of Basel, so the view out of the window wasn’t all that scenic.
We’ve arrived just in time for some of the warmest weather of the summer. Temperatures like this are not so different from Flagstaff, but the humidity in this region makes a huge difference in how it feels. We’ve seen reports of 85% relative humidity.
We arrived just in time to make a bus that took us into Basel for a short walking tour. We were dead tired, but just couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Here are a few photos from our walk.