
Saturday, February 1, 2014


The Flagstaff record for the longest winter dry spell is 39 days. Flagstaff almost broke that record a couple of days ago, but we got just enough moisture for the record to still stand. I think the weather service was the only place to see that moisture because the rest of the area was still dry - until yesterday. We probably only got 2 inches of snow, but we need the moisture and it sure prettied things up.

Things melted off pretty quickly, but our street and Mt. Elden were both very pretty this morning.

A fuel pump issue has kept my car off the road lately, but with snow on the ground it would not be going anywhere anyway. Still, it provides a photo op.

A trip to the top of McMillan Mesa yielded this view of the San Francisco Peaks.

I've heard it said that you should turn around when you are shooting a scene, and see what you have your back to. The city cinder yard was behind me as I was shooting the photo of the mountains. A plow/cinder truck was in the process of being refilled. It gave me a chance to play around with some depth-of-field techniques. It may be my favorite photo of the day.

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