

This blog is an experiment. It started under another name as a way to share photos and activities during a trip to the Netherlands. I got frustrated with trying to place photos and text together and not having things line up like I wanted without a lot of work. It just didn't work and wasn't worth the energy when I was focused on being on vacation, so I just let it go. Hopefully things work out better this time around.

My plan is for this to be an eclectic mix of things. A place for photos, travel experiences, family items, car stuff, quilting, and observations on living as a Christ follower in the 21st century.

I have the incredible privilege of being married to Linda (DeHoogh) since 1972. We've known each other since we were 11 when we met at Phoenix Christian Reformed Church. We've had the joy of 3 great kids, who continue to be our best friends. When it comes to our 3 grandchildren - well, there's not words to describe how it melts your heart to be called "Opa and Oma" by these great kids!

Linda is a quilter, and provides longarm quilting services under the name Tulpenwerk Custom Quilting. I'm always amazed at the transformation that takes place in a quilt under her care. After 7 years of doing this with a Gammill brand machine, Linda made the switch to a Prodigy P2412. It's amazing how much difference it makes to have a machine that actually works for you, instead of against you. Linda has recently taken up knitting, an activity which thoroughly confuses and amazes me.

I work as a system administrator and webmaster at the Museum of Northern Arizona. I hang out at to feed my passion for my 1973 VW-Porsche 914, which is my daily driver and one of the most fun-to-drive sport cars every made. I've been a photographer for as long as I can remember and I've recently discovered High Dynamic Range techniques which allow me to produce images that look the way I remember the scene when I shot the photo.

Linda & I live in Flagstaff, Arizona and attend Hope Community Church.

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