
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Budding Photographer

Almost-3-year-old Eve went for a walk around the block with Oma (Linda) while she was spending last weekend with us. She loves taking pictures with our digital camera. Sometimes you think she just likes seeing the flash go off, but she's actually got a pretty good eye!

Us tall people forget what the world looks like at the height of a 3-year-old.

I think she has a future on the balance beam as well. ;-)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Yard Work

Well, work IN the yard, not work ON the yard. Today was just about perfect fall weather - temperatures in the mid-70F range and only a light breeze. When we ripped out the carpet and installed the laminate floors, we also replaced the dated slab interior doors with something with more character. The doors & moldings have been up for quite awhile, but I had not gotten around to painting them and I really wanted to get that done before winter gets here.

Because I wanted to spray the doors, today seemed like the perfect day to do it. Of course that didn't factor in the tiny flying insects that apparently love freshly painted white surfaces. In fact they love it so much that they'll fly right into the spray so they can land on the door and get painted!

Then there was the door that I had standing at a little too-vertical of an angle, and when the only gust of the day came along the door ended up flat on its freshly painted face. The "gust" was so gentle that if the door hadn't fallen I would not have even taken note of it. Fortunately, latex paint responds well to a hose/nozzle and some scrubbing so that I could paint it again.

The good news is that in the end the doors look really good. Painting the frames and molding can happen any time, and now that the doors are hung they provide motivation for making the rest look just as good.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Change of Seasons

It's amazing how fast time goes by. I knew I was behind on blogging, but it's shocking to look back and see that July 2 was the last entry!

It's that time of year when you can feel a change in the air as Summer gives way to Fall. I think it may be my favorite time of year. As I write this, it's 46F outside at 10:30 p.m. with a low of 40 predicted for tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to get up to 73F. Warm days, and cool nights is what this time of year is all about.

Cooler nights are also what the picture is about - I've been looking forward since April for cool enough weather to be able  to wear the hand-knit socks that I purchased in the Netherlands. So the photo is what I'm up to tonight - something to read, flannel pj bottoms to lounge in and wonderful socks for my feet.

I'm in heaven! It won't be long before I'll be able to wear a scarf again - something I've really missed ever since our April trip.

Maybe I'll be able to catch up on some of the blog topics that I've neglected - I'll give it a try. I've learned that blogging regularly is much harder than it seems.